Do you know what kind of music was most listened to during confinement?

Do you know what kind of music was most listened to during confinement?

Spotify has recently launched a study in which it explains what the musical trends have been among those of us who have had to stay at home for several months. The pandemic has caused many of us to spend much more time at home than normal and this has brought out our true tastes and interests. The platform announces that the thematic lists have increased the most: the reproductions of lists to paint were multiplied by 2 and those of gardening by 5.

In addition, as both the youngest and the oldest, we have taken the opportunity to catch up on what the lists to concentrate and study have multiplied by 11 or the lists to work by more than 15. Finally, as the year progresses, the lists that refer to summer, heat and good temperatures tend to be heard more often, a trend that has been repeated this year.

And you, have you listened to more music than usual this year? Do you agree with what Spotify presents? Whatever music you listen to and wherever you live, you can always enjoy French Latino on the web, Facebook or Youtube. Join now!


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