All of us music lovers love to know more about our favorite artists and about music in general and its evolution. We collected some of the best museums in the world related to music so that you can enjoy them.

Phillarmonic from Paris
Not only a place for the conservation of instruments, but it is also a documentation center on art and artists: it includes paintings, scores, etc. from the 17th century.      




Barcelona Music Museum

Specially dedicated to the exhibition of instruments with centuries of history and how music defines the different eras of it.



Beethoven Haus
Plans to visit Germany? One of the greatest tributes to one of the best-known musicians in history, both to his life and to his work, you will be able to listen to his compositions throughout the visit.





Royal Academy of Music Museum 

The oldest conservatory in the United Kingdom, with unique instruments and a journey through the more than 200 years of history of the center.

Interesting? Tell us in the comments if you knew any of these places and what are your impressions.

We are sure that you are as eager to visit them as we do as soon as we get the chance.

¿Interesante? Cuéntanos en los comentarios si conocías alguno de estos lugares y cuáles son tus impresiones.
Estamos seguros de que tenéis tantas ganas de visitarlos como nosotros en cuanto tengamos ocasión.

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